Monday 18 November 2013

But what does it matter?

I finally became resigned to never having a job. I just felt like I had tried everything, and nothing was working. I felt frustrated, and disappointed.

At this point I realised that my motives for wanting a job had switched from wanting to glorify God to wanting to please my parents and earn money.

If my motives were to glorify God, it would not matter whether I had a job or not. I think it really shows where your idols are when you are disappointed.

The truth is, that it matters not whether I am dead or alive, in a job or jobless.

"But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice."

The reason for bitterness, anger or disappointment is that your plans have been disrupted.

Many people are frustrated because their life isn't how they planned it.

I am realising more and more as I get older, is that in our lowest moments, we see God most clearly.

I am thankful that I am single. The pain I had from my break up made me understand how to trust God more. I learnt so much.

I am grateful that I spent this year without a job. And if I spend next year without a job, I will be thankful God regardless.

To live is Christ, to die is gain.