Wednesday 23 October 2013

The last testimony night.

Our bible study is going to disband next year because its leaders no longer have the time to lead. As a result, we had our last "testimony" night. Everyone had already done their testimony, including me. However, the guy who asked me to do my testimony, happened to have aspects of his life that I knew for certain he hasn't shared with the group. I made a deal with him that if he would share his "real" testimony with the group, then I would share mine.
I wasn't sure why I did it. I think part of me knew that I couldn't hide who I was from the world, especially because I tell everyone that I value honesty above everything else. It's hard to share the parts of you that may lead to judgment by others.

I'm so glad I did though. I don't think I've ever felt this close to the people in my bible study. Not because they said anything necessarily, but because I could feel that they understood where I was coming from.

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